ProQuest Research Library- From business and political science to literature and psychology, ProQuest Research Library™ provides one-stop access to a wide range of the most utilized subjects and topics. The database includes thousands of full-text titles, with a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, important and general interest magazines. This combination of general reference volume and scope makes it one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer. It's ideal for academic libraries, providing resources for both the basic needs and high-end requirements of students and researchers. ProQuest Research Library™ is designed to cover the top 150 core academic subject reference areas, as well as provide hundreds of general interest periodicals from around the world, so not only is it an invaluable database for a number of different academic disciplines, it's also accessible to readers and researchers at every level.
Proquest Research Library includes:
Proquest databases contain content that has been carefully selected by experts, including librarians and educators.
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Proquest Research Library
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Pro Tip 1: Create a My Research account to easily save citations, notes, searches, and links.
Pro Tip 2: Be sure to conduct searches with the Full Text box checked. If you do search beyond full-text access and find something that looks amazing but cannot be accessed, send Schafer the citation. There is a very good chance he will be able to access it elsewhere.
Pro Tip 3: Once you complete a search, one can limit results by source type in the left margin.
Pro Tip 4: Once you find a great resource, ignore the SUGGESTED SOURCES column on the right. It is full of great ideas and links to other content.
Pro Tip 5: Use the cite button to create MLA citations to paste into MyBib or NoodleTools.