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Grade 7 - Social Studies - Resources: Unit 2 - Historical Trade & Globalisation

An Age of Empires, 1200-1750

Bartolomeu Dias

The Biography of Bananas

The Biography of Corn

The Biography of Cotton

The Biography of Potatoes

The Biography of Rice

The Biography of Silk

The Silk Road

The Biography of spices

The Biography of Sugar

The Biography of Tomatoes

The Biography of Vanilla

The Biography of Wheat

The Economics of Global Trade

Economy, Trade, and Resources Across the Middle East

Exploration in the Renaissance

Exploration in the World of the Ancients

Exploration in the World of the Middle Ages, 500-1500

Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta

Marco Polo

Marco Polo

Money and Trade

Religious Clothing in Public Spaces

Trade and Commerce in the Ancient World.

Zheng He

Zheng He