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Pattimura Elementary Library: Plan


Students will be able to :

Developing Questions

Brainstorming or Mind Mapping are two ways of helping to develop a question.

To brainstorm:

  • Jot down all your ideas about the topic
  • Organise your information into categories
  • Think about what you already know and where your areas of interests are
  • Use this to choose the direction of your research

To create a mind map:

  • Put the main idea or topic in the centre
  • Create branches for each category or idea (see image, right)
  • Include pictures as you go

Image Credits:

Question Types

Skinny Questions:

  • Are about basic facts
  • Will get you a one or two word answer
Ex.  Yes or No questions

Fat Questions:

  • Take a lot of information to answer
  • Explain why or how
  • Make connections, predictions, or comparisons
Ex.  Why did...?,  What would happen if...?,  What caused...?

Exploratory Questions (also known as concept questions):

  • To gain understanding of a new topic
  • Typically begin with "What"
Ex.  What are the types of simple machines used in...?

Descriptive Questions:

  • Presents a picture of a specific situation
  • Typically begin with "How" or "Who"
Ex.  How do students at JIS use technology in their learning?

Explanatory Questions:

  • Build upon exploratory and descriptive research questions
  • Gives reasons for why things occur
Ex.  Why do students at JIS use technology in their learning?

Cause & Effect Questions:

  • Explains the relationship between two events
Ex.  What are the causes and effects of global warming?


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